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Sunday 22 October 2017

Local Government Election in Enugu State Is A Ruse; Actor Kenneth Okonkwo Berates Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi

                              Image result for kenneth okonkwo and enugu governor
Recall that in a letter dated 23rd March, 2017, the Nollywood Actor/Politician demanded that elections be conducted into the Local government Councils in Enugu, failure which he threatened to go to court.

The Enugu State government eventually yielded to the popular demand of Enugu State people and agreed to organize elections into the Local governments in accordance with the Constitution

However, recently, APC has been crying fowl over the attitudes of the Enugu State government towards the local government elections.
The Nollywood Actor, who is a prominent member of APC in the state, berated the state government over its plans to manipulate the elections in favour of PDP in the state. He articulated his views in a three-page letter to Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, dated 12th October, 2017, where he  expressed lack of confidence in the process.

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