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Saturday 30 July 2016

Nollywood Gives Back to the Internally Displaced persons.

The Nollywood Gives Back Initiative, today, 30th July, 2016 visited the Internally Displaced Persons in Abuja as part of their corporate social responsibility.

Presenting the gift items to the IDPS, the Nollywood veteran first Actor, Kenneth Okonkwo, who himself was born in a refugee camp during the Biafran War, stated that the issue of refugees was an emotive one for  him as he himself was a product of such camps. He encouraged the IDPS to have hope and trust God in order to pull through from the conditions they found themselves. 

Also present were other distinguished Nollywood Practitioners, Sidney Diala, Chinelo Uzoigwe, Patrick Makata and representatives of Citec Estate Muslim Association  which include Imam Musa Mohammadu Buhari, Dr Saleh Abdullahi, Abdulateef Lawal Musa and Abdulateef Yusuf.

Imam Musa Mohammadu Buhari, and Actor Kenneth Okonkwo 
The forum became an avenue for the adherents of both religions to canvass for peace and mutual coexistence among the various religions in Nigeria for effective national development.

The Nollywood veterans took time to play with the IDPS for greater soul uplift.
Kenneth Okonkwo Playing with the IDPs Kids

Bala Yusuf, the secretary of the IDPS thanked the visitors for their gifts and soul lifting messages and prayed God to reward them abundantly

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