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Wednesday 29 June 2016

Celebration Galore as Nollywood Actor/Lawyer Kenneth Okonkwo's Son and wife arrive safely home to Nigeria.

The family of the Living in Bondage Legend, Kenneth Okonkwo welcomed home their cute son, Kenechukwu Isaac C. Okonkwo to Nigeria on the 26th of June,2016, after a safe trip from the US.
Kenneth Okonkwo couldn't thank God enough for the favours and journey mercies He granted his family.

He was also full of praises for the family of Sir Austin and Lady Ebere Ejelonu in Baltimore who took a day off from their work to convey Baby Ken and Mother from Maryland to Washington DC for their flight.
Sir Austin and Lady Ebere Ejelonu with their Daughter  

On getting into the Lufthanza flight, the air hostesses were so caring and loving of Baby Ken that they screamed "this baby is cute" and gave him a gift of a Lufthanza plane.

Back home in Nigeria, Distinguished Nigerians came to welcome Baby Ken at the airport with fans and friends all rejoicing with them on their arrival.

Among them are General Victor Ezugwu, the GOC, 7th Division, Nigerian Army, Maiduguri, Borno, one of the bravest Nigerian Army Officers, who recently broke through the Boko Haram ambush, and decimated them without fear.
General Victor Ezugwu,

Amb. Sam Heinz Onah, CEO New Nyanya Group LTD.
Hajia Raulah Adams, Wife of Former Benue State Commissioner of Police
Kenneth Okonkwo and Nigeria Musician Kelly-Hansome

Decon Michael Oladimeji Dancing To The Glory Of God As Baby Ken Arrives in The Abuja Home of the Nollywood Star
In his own words, Kenneth Okonkwo declared to SupremeTv  "It can only be God and we give Him all the glory in Jesus name."

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  1. You need to watch this shocking video from Nollywood legend Kenneth Okonkwo.


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