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Sunday 26 June 2016

New militant group blows Shell pipeline again in Imo

New militant group blows Shell pipeline again in Imo

For the second time in a week, a new militant group in Imo State, the Red Scorpions, yesterday, may have bombed an oil pipeline belonging to Shell Petroleum Development Oil Company, in Awara, Ohaji/Egbema Local Council of Imo State.
The members of the new group, which claimed responsibility for the attack, had emerged in the week, accusing oil companies operating in Ohaji/Egbema and Oguta Local Councils, of marginalising their host communities.
Consequently, the group issued an order directing the companies to evacuate their workers and quickly leave their communities. They insisted that they could continue attacking their facilities as long as they continue to ‘neglect and marginalise’ their communities in terms of providing commensurate developmental facilities and providing employment for the people of the areas. They accused the state and Federal Government, of not doing enough to intervene in the matter.
In a statement, the militant group argued that “equal rights should be given to them’ in the country.”
Before the attack, the Imo State House of Assembly had in a resolution, kicked against the exclusion of Imo from certain allocations due to other oil producing States in the country.
Reacting, the Imo State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Andrew Enwerem, said the command got the information, stating that it was yet to ascertain the extent of damage.
A few years ago, during the mopping up of arms from militants, many youths from the area willingly submitted their arms at the defunct Multi Purpose Hall, Government House, Owerri. But they complained that they were excluded from the Federal Government’s Amnesty Programme.
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